Bone-chilling photo shows incredible moment Golden Gate Bridge 'guardian angel' saves man's life - as hero cop reveals exactly what he said

New Photo - Bone-chilling photo shows incredible moment Golden Gate Bridge 'guardian angel' saves man's life - as hero cop reveals exactly what he said
Bone-chilling photo shows incredible moment Golden Gate Bridge 'guardian angel' saves man's life - as hero cop reveals exactly what he said
It was March 11, 2005, and Kevin Berthia was desperate. His infant daughter was sick and the 22-year-old father had racked up nearly $250,000 in medical bills that he was struggling to repay. He told his family and friends he would not be coming home and walked out onto the Golden Gate Bridge with every intention of taking his own life. Then he climbed over the barrier near the North Tower and stood on a narrow pipe, with a petrifying 245-foot drop into the freezing San Francisco Bay looming below.
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